WB Speaking and Training at Seminaries,

Universities and Conference/Retreat Facilities






Future church leaders have not been taught how to train others to effectively share 

the Gospel of Jesus Christ where they live, move and have their being...

We are a witness every minute of every day so why not be a good witness?




A Few Actual Examples:



The very capable head of evangelism at a mega church in Southern California told me that on a monthly basis he took delegations on short term mission trips throughout the world. I asked if he personally knew his neighbors and had "ever" shared Christ in his community. Embarrassed, he answered, "No". During the next few WB sessions he played tennis with his neighbor and engaged another neighbor while he was washing his car. Mike was so excited he copied portions of WB materials for 1,000+members of the 12,000 member church



The lay mission leader, who leads mission trips at a mega church in Atlanta bluntly told me,"I can share Christ around the world but don't ask me to do it where I live and work!"


-The Chairman of the Elder Board in Woodstock, CT.

He publically and humbly confessed during a WB weekend conference of 100+,"I am guilty of church work to the exclusion of the work of the church".


- Youth Director

While playng golf I met the Youth Director of a large church and learned he often played golf at my favorite public course in Atlanta to witness. This course attracks people from all walks of life. In excitement I said to him "You must have wonderful opportunities to share your faith with people you encounter on the course". He immediately responded "I don't play golf with sinners!" In total astonishment I exhorted him to read verses like Luke 19:10- Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.


Ted has spoken in 44 states, 200+ cities, and several foreign countries, training and spreading the GOOD NEWS of our Savior.




THE NEW FOCUS is to multiply the Gospel more than ever through young future leaders.

WB presents the following options for institutions:


  • Speak at a Chapel Service
  • Teach in the Classroom
  • Speak at a Leadership Assembly
  • A Weekend Conference- Single or Multi Church
  • Train Staff
  • WB Train a Small Group 5-20 of Deeply Witness Focused Men and Women
  • Develop Tailor Made Media for Ongoing Use in Classrooms, Conferences and Leadership Development